Prof. Dr. Erkan Kaptanoğlu

Ozone Therapy

Ozone is a biooxidative treatment that promotes healing by oxygenating the organism. Ozone (O3) is a colorless gas composed of three oxygen atoms and acts in the body through oxidation and oxygenation. When ozone is introduced into the body, the third oxygen atom binds itself to harmful microorganisms. By doing so, it oxidizes or destroys them. This process is called oxidation. Ozone then converts to oxygen (O2) in the body, increasing blood oxygen levels. This process is called oxygenation. Ozone is applied to kill microorganisms, improve cellular function and promote healing of damaged tissues. Ozone therapy is low-risk and is a complementary, supportive and reconstructive form of treatment, often accompanied by standard medical treatments. Ozone therapy can be administered in several ways:

Autohemotherapy (ozonizing the blood): The contact of the patient’s blood with ozone gas in autohemotherapy allows the red blood cells to transport oxygen more efficiently, which increases cellular respiration. The body receives more energy and the body’s natural immunity improves. The number of cytokines that help inflammation decreases and in turn the number of interferons and other “healing” cytokines increases. Autohemotherapy is administered in two ways. In major autohemotherapy, about 400 ml of the patient’s own blood is drawn, then enriched with ozone and reintroduced into the patient’s vein. Ozone reacts with the blood and forms different types of compounds that produce immediate therapeutic effects. Therefore, with 500 ml of oxygen/ozone mixture, ozone can react with almost all the blood in the body. In minor autohemotherapy, about 5-10 ml of the patient’s own blood is drawn, then enriched with ozone and injected into the patient’s muscle, usually the gluteal muscle.

Ozone injections: It is possible to inject ozone gas into muscles and joints. In these cases, the amount of ozone is very small (5-10ml). This method is usually used for local symptoms. The most commonly used are intra-articular injections. It is also used for trigger point injections into muscles.

Insufflation: This method involves blowing ozone into a body cavity such as the mouth, ear, rectum or vagina using a special device.

Ear insufflation: Ozone is infused through a catheter inserted into the ear canal so that the ozone gas enters the lymphatic and blood system. Many patients have found success in alleviating allergies, relieving colds, sore throats and swollen glands.

Rectal, bladder and vaginal application: This is a treatment where we can use a small catheter connected to a bag filled with ozone gas and infuse ozone gas directly into these areas of the body. The application is similar to an enema or douching, but with air instead of liquid. Rectal, bladder and vaginal ozone therapy can be used as a support in the treatment of certain gynecological conditions, chronic diseases such as Crohn’s disease, colitis ulcerosis, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, fistulas. Rectal ozone application is not limited to the treatment of rectal diseases, because it can be used for detoxification and liver disorders due to the direct delivery of ozone from the portal vein to the liver.

Ozone steam sauna: It is a combination of ozone therapy and steam sauna therapy. Saunas are one of the most effective detoxification techniques as they trigger sweating, which increases blood circulation, reduces inflammation and pain and removes toxins through the skin. When we combine a steam sauna with ozone therapy, it allows ozone to enter your skin through the bloodstream. The moist air opens your pores and allows ozone to enter your body more easily. Ozone enters the bloodstream, fat and lymphatic system through your skin.

Prolotherapy: It consists of ozone injections to the same area following the prolotherapy procedure.

Wound bagging: The wound is sealed with an ozone-resistant bag and exposed to the gas. It is used in non-healing wounds and diabetic feet, skin lesions, infections, circulatory disorders, neuropathic pain.

Diseases treated with ozone

Various diseases can be treated with the ozone application methods described above.

  1. Arterial diseases: In peripheral arterial diseases such as chronic limb ischemia (where the arms and legs do not receive enough blood), improvement is achieved by increasing blood oxygenation. Some studies have shown that ozone therapy may help improve heart health in cases of coronary artery disease or heart attack.
  2. Orthopedic problems: Ozone therapy has been shown to be helpful, especially in cases involving wear and tear of joints, such as knee or elbow osteoarthritis. Direct application of ozone by injection to the affected areas caused a significant reduction in pain, thanks to its high level of anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. Chronic pain: Neck, back and other chronic muscle pain problems can be treated with ozone. This treatment method can be applied to patients with chronic pain disorders such as pain due to hernia in the spine and fibromyalgia.
  4. Immune system disorders: Dramatic improvements can be achieved with ozone in patients with chronic and progressive immune system disorders such as autoimmune disorders.
  5. Gastrointestinal disorders: Studies have shown effectiveness in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis and gastrointestinal ulcers.
  6. Tissue damage: Applying ozone to affected areas such as diabetic foot ulcers and skin infections can help promote healing and healthy tissue function.
  7. Neurological disorders: It has been determined that ozone therapy can help brain cells fight degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease.

Situations where ozone therapy is not preferred

Those who have favism disease (D6P-Dehydrogenase enzyme deficiency), which is accompanied by an enzyme deficiency in red blood cells, those who consume excessive alcohol, those with hyperthyroidism, those with severe anemia, those using blood thinners and those with blood diseases such as hemophilia, those with acute and chronic pancreatitis, those with newly developed heart disease. It is not preferred in patients with infarction, stroke patients with active bleeding, and pregnant women.

Randevu Al

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